Thursday, 23 February 2012

Book Three: Police at Pemberley

Well Friends what do you think? I see that we are all a bit skeptical about what the Colonel is withholding for Darcy and us. I have a few ideas but am not ready to divulge. I am pretty sure that Sir Selwyn will keep Darcy out of the loop due to his family connections to the victim and murder. Most of the Polices presents seems on the up and up, protecting both Wickham and the Darcy household. Why did the Colonel demand the Darcy spend the night with him in the Library? What was the great benefit to either of them or the house for that matter? What was it that Darcy witnessed the colonel burning in the fire in the middle of the night? Lydia is really troubling me with her poor demeanor and rude attack upon Elizabeth. It is amazing that she blames Elizabeth for every evil in her own life yet she is unable to look at her own actions and choices. Even to the point in which they arrived at Pemberley in the first place. It is time to tell everyone the story of the last nights events. Some will receive full disclosure of the events of the night before the ball. What do you think??????? I hope you are all enjoying this novel.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Book Two: The Body in the Woodland

Ironically the title of the book says it all, who would have thought on the eve of the Lady Anne's Ball that there would be a body in Pemberley's woodland area. In addition, could Wickham cause Darcy anymore stress, knowing there history it is not hard to believe there stress at Lydia's arrival at the estate in such a mess. The party finding Wickham over Denny's dead body is startling to all, considering what Lydia's reaction and description are upon here arrival. I found Sir Selwyn Hardcastle to be quite a character, old school and serious. What do we really know about what happened? Who killed Denny? Is Wickham's story true was it somebody else but who? Why would haughty Lydia come to the Lady Anne's ball uninvited other than to embarrass her sister Elizabeth. It is like she has no care for societal issues. What do you think of Wickham's supposed confession, Do you think it was a confession? Based on Lydia's arrival at the estate how will she take the news of Wickham's being alive, but under suspicion of murdering his best friend? Elizabeths reflections on the past and possible foreshadowing of what could become the reality of the situation was interesting for the last page. What are your thoughts?????? e>

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Book One: The Day Before the Ball!

Welcome all to a new book! I hope that you have all enjoyed it thus far. I am appreciative to P.D. James for the Prologue, as it has been sometime since I have read Pride and Prejudice. Always good to catch up with the Bennett family. I had forgotten about Creepy Rev. Collins, the man bothered me than. Book One: The Day Before the Ball. It was great to get caught up with life at Pemberley. I am curious about the ghost stories of the woodland. What about Billings and Lousia Bidwell? Will they wed? Loads of Drama who will Georgiana choose to love? Why did Lydia the disgraced sister choose to fall into Jane's arms? What brought Lydia and Wickham to Pemberley when they are exiled? What do you all think lets chat? What are your impressions????