It was just brought to my attention that I did not ask any of you to introduce yourselves to the others. I know all of you and your know me, but in many cases not each other. So why don't we take a minute to introduce ourselves. You can say how you know me and I roped you in to this adventure.
I am Ann, I created this at the suggestion of one of you. I wont tell till later in the book. I have three beautiful males in my life(don't tell them I said this it would go to their heads). When I am not on holiday in England, I teach English to High School students in rural New York.
I hope you are all enjoying the book and will make more comments on the pages. As soon as I figure out how to have the comments show without clicking to read the I will let you know.
Hi, I'm Elena. I met Ann when one of the beautiful males in her life used to work with the beautiful male in mine.
I fondly remember my 3 year assignment in the UK in the early 90s (pre-kids). Now I'm back in upstate NY with said beautiful male and two beautiful daughters. I used to work as a software engineer at Lockheed Martin, but I'm now a full time mom and part time writer. I write historical romance set in the time of Jane Austen. I've read all of her books at least once and my favorites many times, but I'm always up for a reread and a good discussion. :)
Thanks for organizing this, Ann!
Hello, I'm Catie. I am the person that Ann suggested this to. I like to read books from Jane's era. I however am not old enough to have a male permanently in my life. I have no children either. YAY me. I have watched P&P and Emma on TV and loved them. I can't wait to read them.
I was in England over the summer, so if I met you hi if not hi anyways. I loved it over there and I am looking into universities there.
Hope all is well Ann! English is not the same without you!
Catie Marie( The original)
Hi there everybody! My name is Stacey. Like Ann, I am outnumbered by the guys in my house. I live in Ohio with my husband & our 2 boys (4 & 2). I am very excited about the book club. I have always loved to read but I haven't been making the time for it lately. So I am happy to have an excuse! :o)
I look forward to meeting you all and reading some great books. Everybody have a great weekend!
Hello, I'm Kathryn and I'm 15. One of Ann's beautiful males works with my dad. I'm homeschooled and I love reading. Never read Jane Austen before. I am also writing my own fantasy books and songs.
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