Monday, 8 September 2008


Welcome to the Book Club. I decided it would be a good fall activity especially, since the weather is bound to turn cold. Books are better when you can discuss them with other anyway.
I have been to Jane Austen's house in Chawton twice this year so I thought she would be a good place to start as I have not read all of her books. In truth I am not sure if I have read any of them. So that is how we arrived at this point. I invite all of you to join the fun.

This will be an informal book club. I will set up a schedule but, use it as a guide not a set in stone thing as I am aware that you all have lives which sometimes require your attention or in some case undivided attention.I hope you all enjoy the book and if you would like to suggest one we can do other books through the year. We can start with Pride and Prejudice available at all libraries near you.


The Domestic Goddess said...

I will hit the library this week.
This was a great idea, anniemae!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, this is a good idea. Force me to read a book (really I love to read).. But reading and sharing the reading journey, sounds good.
I did my morning walk, down by the cuyahoga river towpath. Now some inside activities.
annakatrina~ or just anne ~

Anonymous said...

Thanks for organizing this Ann! I am excited to have a good excuse to make myself sit down & read.

Hello to everybody!

snarkytherapist said...

Ok, just checking this out. I went to the library and got the book... an old book with a slight odor, but none the less I am on track!!!! ha ha!!
Now I am testing out my posting abilities.... and will hopefully have something productive to add soon! T

Julia said...

Great idea Ann!
It's been so long since I've sat down and read a book, maybe this will get me back into setting time for myself to do such things. Looking forward to it.

Hope you're well and happy.
Ciao, Julia

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I have started reading it. Someone please tell me they have too. As soon as someone tells me they have, I will report back with what I think.

Annamae said...

I'm reading it the real Catie Perry.